Saturday, April 6, 2019

Keep Scheduling Girl Time

It was the last day of our annual Girls’ Getaway and we were already planning next year’s trip. We had hiked, biked, kayaked, shopped, sipped wine, noshed on fun food, and pampered ourselves at the spa. But most importantly, we hung out together and laughed in a place where we were allowed to be silly, over share, and not take life too seriously. We couldn’t wait to select the destination for next year. 

Planning our Girls’ Getaways is no small feat.  Even in retirement, we find ourselves scheduling around events and obligations, leaving few options open for a weekend, let alone a 4-day getaway. Take away all of the dates reserved for weddings, family vacations, and grand baby arrivals, and we will find 4 days - somewhere. Even if a 4-day or weekend getaway is impossible, squeezing in lunch, dinner out, or an outing can be enough to nourish the soul. Then there’s the guilt. Why do we feel selfish or indulgent if we want to get away for a few days or even a few hours?  After 361 days of keeping all of the moving parts of the family machine running well, don’t we deserve 4 days of recharging our batteries?  I love the 4-day getaways with friends I met through work, the occasional weekend get-togethers with old high school friends, meeting up for dinner, shopping, or the theater with near and dear friends close to home, and mixing workouts with therapeutic girl time on a bike ride or hike with my bestie from college. 

Our girlfriends get us. They connect with us in a way others can’t. They share many of the same joys and fears. They help us put the world into perspective. Time with our girlfriends allows us to laugh at things others wouldn’t consider funny. It allows us to laugh at ourselves. When we’ve become submerged in a world of caretaking, decision-making and just managing life, they bring us up for air and we need that - once in a while. Girlfriend Getaways are more than a vacation.  Mini breaks with our friends are good for our health - experiencing new places and adventures is just icing on the cake. 

Laughing so hard we feared our weak baby bladders would fail us after being unable to leave the roundabout in Sedona, nonstop giggling as we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge for the umpteenth time looking for a place to pullover so we could actually walk across the bridge, and singing karaoke to all of the 70’s hits, no matter how bad we sounded or who was watching - these are the moments that remind us of the girl that’s still inside. The one buried underneath the crows feet and all of that maturity. Girl time brings that girl to the surface, at least for a little while. And that’s a good thing. 
Did you know that friendship increases life expectancy, decreases chances of heart disease and can help us tolerate pain? Hanging out with our friends can increase production of oxytocin, the feel good cuddle hormone our body produces when we are happy. So clear your schedule and start planning that friend time today - for your health.