Saturday, May 15, 2021

Happy Birthday to the Two Year Old Who Loves Life

Lucas turns two today.  A year ago, my daughter and son-in-law were brainstorming ways they could have a quarantined, socially distanced, safe, healthy, small celebration for Lucas and still make his first birthday special.  


For the past year, Lucas has been living in his bubble.  The world was changed for the entire second year of his life.  People were masked, he didn't see his great grandfather, and he rarely left the house.  But Lucas didn't care.  Lucas is extremely happy.  He wakes up every morning with an agenda - to capture each moment of the day with as much excitement as possible.   

Lucas loves EVERYTHING about life.  He loves to eat (especially what brother Dominic or anyone else is eating).  Buses, trains, big trucks, and fire engines make him gasp with a "Wow!"  All you have to do to get him to take a bath is say, "Wanna play in the water?"  Two year old Lucas's facial expressions are his signature personality trait - they are priceless.  He loves life so much that the only way he gets from Point A to Point B is to RUN as fast as he can,  It's almost like he can't wait to experience the next moment.  When Lucas sees a bus (especially a school bus) he practically loses his mind.  He stops in his tracks, points, and yells, "BUS!"  He loves busses.  

Imagine waking up every morning with Lucas's outlook on life - a day of excitement and adventure awaits you and everything you see and experience is simply amazing.  Watching him go through his day is no less than awesome.  

This year, Lucas will celebrate his second birthday by playing with his cousins and brother and hugging his parents, great grandfather, grandparents, aunts and uncles.  We will celebrate, eat cake and probably laugh with Lucas all day.  When it's pj time, Lucas will roar, which means he wants his dinosaur pajamas.  Lucas loves life.  Happy Birthday little guy.