Saturday, March 18, 2017

For Good

Do you ever reflect upon how the people in your life have changed you?  A week ago, I lost a dear friend, Laura.  As a tribute to Laura, her BFF, Cindy, shared with us a beautiful song from Wicked, “For Good”.  “For Good” is about people coming into your life and making you a better person, changing you “For Good”.  Sometimes they come into your life and stay for many years or maybe they just stay a short time.   Either way, some people who are a part of your life rewrite your life story and make it better.  

As I listened to this song and read the lyrics through tears, I thought about the MANY ways that Laura made me a better person during our friendship, how she changed me “for good”.  Laura was an extremely kind person.  She treated everyone with dignity, respect and pure kindness.  Laura was very dedicated to her family and loved them more than life.  She had a husband and three children and made their home a sanctuary of love and acceptance.  When you walked into their home, you could feel the warmth of love.  My friend also had a great sense of humor.  There were four of us girls, including Laura, that liked to spend a lot of time together.   We seemed to find everything funny.  We could just look at each other and start laughing, knowing what the others were thinking.  I can't count the number of times one of us texted the other 3 with "I need a girls night!"  Laura’s kindness, dedication, love, and sense of humor all made me a better person.  She changed me “for good”.  Most of all, Laura’s positive mental attitude, her selflessness and compassion for others, even through all of her suffering, made me a better person.  She made everyone she touched a better person.   

I hope that I can honor my friend and her gift of friendship by paying it forward.  I hope that my presence in the lives of others will change them “for good”.  I hope that I can give the gifts of kindness, love, dedication, selflessness and compassion that Laura gave me to the people in my life.    

Are the people in your life better…just because they knew you?      

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