Saturday, May 13, 2017

Every Day is Mother's Day

Mother’s Day - the one day a year when Moms everywhere get to hang up their capes, at least for a while.  We have two new Moms (already becoming Supermoms) in our family who will be celebrating their first Mother’s Day.  The girls are already becoming pros at juggling work with taking care of their babies and are off to a pretty good start at finding a balance of marriage/baby/career/everything else!  It’s no wonder they have easily slid into these superhero roles since their Moms were both Supermoms.  (Shout out to Supermom club member Vicki.)  Think about it - those of us who enjoyed some hard-won equality battles and became strong, independent power women of the 80s now have daughters whom we have empowered with the same boldness.  And they have hit the ground running.  These new parents are having their year of firsts with their babies - first smile, first rollover, first giggle, and now first Mother’s Day.  So what is it about this day that makes it so precious?  
Mothers give their children gifts every day of the year.  A Mother’s love is one of the most powerful gifts we can give our children.  A Mother’s unconditional love creates gifts to our children that are intangible and touch their hearts with a value greater than any treasure. Faith, security, confidence, intelligence, good health, affection, patience, forgiveness, generosity, imagination, determination, resilience, discipline, and hope are just a few of my favorite gifts to my children.  My beautiful Mother gave me all of these gifts, I gave them to my children and now they will give them to theirs.  

Although many will say that being a Mom is a thankless job, I have never believed that being a Mother was ever a job and I never needed to be thanked for it.  For me, it was a privilege granted to me by God.  Raising two amazing little humans, watching them grow into happy and independent adults contributing to the good of society, now with families of their own, was enough thanks for me.  Although I do enjoy the occasional “Mom we’re taking you out” or thoughtful gifts from my kids, I know how much I am appreciated by my children.  That’s part of being in the Mom Club.  We just know.  To the two new Mommies in our family - every time your baby smiles at you, stares at your face or immediately turns his head when he hears your voice, he is saying he loves and appreciates everything you do for him. He is telling you how thankful he is that God picked you to be his Mommy.  Your children tell you "Happy Mother's Day" every day.  When they grow up to be teenagers and tell you things (you may not especially want to hear), or ask you for a "few bucks," they are telling you that they know you will understand and guide them in the right direction.  

So one day a year, all of the members of the Mom Club get to officially have our day.  There is no recipe as to what this day should look like.  For some, it might involve taking the family to the beach, others may want to cook for the clan, and some Moms may want to take the day to indulge in spa treatments.  My friend Grace goes to the baseball game with her daughters each year.  However Mother’s Day is spent, it is our official day to spend it how we want.

Kristina and Brittany - "A Mother's love is true north always guiding the way home."  Happy 1st Mother’s Day to you and all other Mommies out there.  


  1. Lovely sentiments for Mother's Day.
    For me, I had two guiding principles that served me well. First, I delighted in my daughter at every age. I still do. Second, whenever my daughter had difficulties in her life, it just made me love her more.
    These days, I am at the point where I can sit back, relax, and appreciate being a mom any day I choose. But for all of you still very busy moms, I hope you have a wonderful day.

    1. Being there for our children is one of the most rewarding aspects of retirement! Thanks for sharing!!
