Thursday, January 6, 2022

Dominic is 5!

 It's that milestone birthday - the big #5!  Turning 5 means starting school, increasing independence, first friends - enough to celebrate with a big bang!  Five years ago today, grandson Dominic chose to enter the world on his due date, on one of the coldest days of the year, and since then has made an impact on almost everyone he meets - from his pre-school teachers to the lady sitting on the bench in Disneyland.  Dominic has an old soul.   His vocabulary has always reached beyond his age, he's extremely aware of whats going on within eye or ear shot, and he knows EXACTLY what he wants with very little room for negotiations.  

Here are some things you can bank on during a typical day with Dominic:

  • He will let you know precisely how to prepare and present his food (how to cook it, how to cut it, what bowl to put it in or plate to use).
  • There will always be multiple books read at some point during the day (he's a book addict so he can't stop at one).
  • You will learn facts.  He will tell you all sorts of facts on various subjects, from rocket ships to dinosaurs.  (He's a HUGE expert on dinosaurs.)
  • You will get huggled.  Several times.  (He made up the word huggle:  hug + snuggle.)
Dominic loves coming to Mimi's house and walks in like he "owns the place".  He knows I will have vanilla yogurt and apples (always) for a snack and has every toy memorized.  

This birthday boy will head to kindergarten in August and couldn't be more ready.  I'm so anxious to see the impact this amazing little man will make on this world.  Happy Birthday Dominic! 

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