Saturday, June 17, 2017

Never Too Old for Adventure

We made it to the top! 
It all started with a conversation we had with a man hiking with his dog.  “Do you think we can climb this rock?” we asked.  “Yes I do.  It’s not too bad,”  he replied.  Hmmm… I don’t think he thought we meant all the way to the top.  

We all have different friend groups that are unique from one another.  My “Spa Warrior” friend group annually takes a spa getaway that in no way resembles the 5 days of indulgence that one might envision.  Healing body treatments are preceded by days of fun and physically challenging activities that force the body to beg for a much needed pampering by the end of our stay.  This year, the Spa Warriors traveled to Sedona, AZ to climb mountains and spa.  
It's almost as difficult coming down as it is going up! 

Sedona is a beautiful destination for anyone who loves nature, isn’t opposed to hiking and climbing, appreciates unique food and enjoys any vacation which will induce physical and mental benefits.  Sedona has plenty of serene spa resorts as well.  It was the perfect venue for our getaway.  

As we created our agenda, we knew we wanted to do some hiking, we just didn't know how much or where.  The plan was to make those decisions once we landed in Sedona, so we immediately received some hiking suggestions from our resort concierge after filling him in on our abilities - we’re basically beginners but would be able to hike up to 3 hours, and wouldn’t mind a small challenge.  His suggestion was the Courthouse Butte Loop, a scenic, moderate 4 mile hike around Courthouse Butte, one of the many gorgeous rock formations in Sedona.  The next morning, we left for our hike around 7:30 AM, with good shoes and plenty of water.  

When we arrived at the trailhead for the Courthouse Butte Loop, we noticed hikers (or should I say climbers) on Bell Rock.  Bell Rock stands about 500 ft. tall at an elevation of 5,000 ft.  Our friend Patti immediately said, “I want to climb THAT rock!” and we now had a new plan - hike (climb) Bell Rock. 

Yes! We climbed this gorgeous Rock!
After we made our decision to climb Bell Rock, we spotted a man hiking with his dog at the base.  In a short conversation with him, we told him of our plans and he assured us that the hike wouldn't be too difficult.  (We later agreed that he had no idea we would be venturing to the top.)  We started our way up and successfully made it to the Upper Bell until we hit an area right before the Slide that was incredibly difficult to scale (unless of course you are Spiderman).  After several minutes of problem solving and almost accepting defeat, two experienced hikers (climbers) crossed our path and convinced us that not only could we clamber our way past the big rock staring at us but we could also make it all the way to an apex near the top.  We looked up at The Ascent - the final and most strenuous and hazardous climb of Bell Rock - and we all had the same thought, "you have got to be kidding!"  Our new unofficial guides, Michael and Anthony, encouraged us and led the way as we climbed all the way to one of the spires on the top of the rock.  No lie - it was rough, but well worth the struggle.      

Here we are with our unofficial guides.
Making it to the top was an experience we will never forget.  Bell Rock is considered to be very powerful and full of vortex energy.  Patti, Tracey, Kathy and I were certainly receiving energy from the earth the day we climbed Bell Rock.  It was a mind over matter experience for these Spa Warriors.  We were so happy that Anthony and Michael crossed our path that day, and so grateful for their help getting us to the top! 

For me, the X Factor of this accomplishment was that it was real and raw - just 4 friends who wanted to climb a mountain one step at a time, encouraging each other, helping each other all the way up.  With pure determination, we made our bodies do things we didn't think we were capable of.  And the next day, we conquered another.  That's another story.  


  1. Wow, this sounds totally awesome. Sedona is on my list to visit. Your experience is inspiring!

    1. Jane, it's definitely a bucket list getaway! More info to come on Sedona in the next several blog posts!
