Saturday, July 23, 2016

Aging Gracefully

When it comes to aging after 50, there are those who age, and those who age gracefully.  As life expectancy continues to increase, people after 50 want to look and feel better for the the next 35+ years.  We all want to look great as we age, we all want to be that man who is timeless or that woman who is on point from head to toe and carries herself with grace.  What's the secret? What are these graceful agers doing differently than everyone else?  It's not so much what they are doing as it is what they are NOT doing.

If you want to age gracefully, it's a good idea to avoid:
  • Salt - as we age, our blood pressure naturally increases, at least for most of us.  Keeping your outside young and healthy starts with keeping your inside young and healthy.  Aging gracefully starts with taking care of the inside of your body.  Eating less salt prevents heart attack, stroke and a decline in cognitive functioning.  While you are avoiding salt, increase your fruits and vegetables.  Remember, aging gracefully starts from the inside.
  • Sedentary lifestyle - it's easy to get too comfortable on the couch watching TV once you are retired and you have more time on your hands.  As I have mentioned in earlier posts, try to keep moving.  Exercise, work in your yard or garden, walk, do chores, do some type of physical activity if you are able.  Your cells need oxygen, your joints and muscles need to keep moving.  
  • Negative attitude - I have read numerous articles citing studies that indicate that positive, happy people live longer and are less prone to mental decline than negative, unhappy people.  Getting rid of stress and emotional baggage will help us age gracefully.  For the stress you can't control, focus on managing it with exercise, sleep, healthy diet, and avoiding the negative attitudes of other people.  Keep smiling!  We wrinkle less with smiles than frowns!
  • Excess sun exposure - expose yourself to healthy Vitamin D in moderation.  But if you are a sun worshiper, you might want to rethink that.  Too many rays without protection can cause lines, wrinkles, sun spots, loss of firmness and elasticity, not to mention skin cancer.  Your hands and face get the most sun exposure so give them a lot of protection.  Try and hit a happy medium between enough sun exposure to make healthy Vitamin D but not so much that it's damaging.
  • Overindulging - avoid smoking, alcohol, sugar, fat, anything that is too much of a "good" thing.  A poor diet can increase free radicals in your body which can damage your DNA and age you.  Alcohol dehydrates your body, both inside and out.  It makes your kidneys work over time and robs your body of Vitamin A, an antioxidant critical for cell renewal and turnover.  Skin that dries from the inside out wrinkles quicker than nice, moist skin.  Smoking displaces the oxygen in your skin and reduces blood flow which makes your skin dry and discolored.  It also depletes nutrients including Vitamin C which repairs skin damage.  
We have new fashion rules for aging gracefully.  Mature women are no longer expected to cut their hair, spray it into a helmet, and cake on the makeup including the matronly pink lipstick.  Today, people take better care of themselves and age is just a mindset.  You're as young as you feel and there is no reason why your outside can't match your inside.  Don't be afraid to wear your hair a little longer and when you start sprouting an increasing number of silver strands, try highlighting instead of an overall dye job.  Some bangs might be a fun and sassy touch and if you like to wear your hair up, wear it loose - don't pull it back tight.  Wearing it loose can make you look sophisticated!  Wear less, or at least lighter, make-up.  Caked-on makeup tends to accentuate and even add to our wrinkles and lines.  Don't be afraid to wear a fun graphic T - just pair it with nice jeans and a cute jacket instead of distressed jeans.

Guys, let your hair grey naturally - it looks distinguished.  Go to a barber or stylist that will give you not only a neat haircut, but will also trim those stray hairs!!   Dress with finesse and make sure your clothes fit properly.  Take care of your appearance.  It's easy to start dressing like an "old man" and start shuffling around like you're on your way to the senior $1.99 special!  Be careful not to dress in fashion geared toward the younger crowd - these styles don't wear well on older men.  In other words, keep your shirt buttoned up and wear your baseball cap with the bill facing forward! 

Last but not least, keep up with all of your health checks.  Remember - we age from the inside out.  Instead of fighting aging, embrace it with grace, style and confidence.  What are some of your tips for aging gracefully?
                                  My daughter, Kristina, and me at my retirement party.

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