Sunday, July 17, 2016

Revisit Your Top 10

Last month, I created a Top 10 (actually 11) list of hobbies and interests that I would like to explore during retirement.  As with any list you create for yourself - whether it be a to-do or a goal list, checking in with that list from time to time is important in order to stay on track.  After revisiting my Top 10 list, I concluded that my activities and daily routine were in-line with my goals.  

Starting my day with leaving for the gym no later than 8:30 AM has put me into a successful exercise routine - #1 on my list!  Whether it be taking an exercise class or meeting a friend for a workout, I leave by 8:30 AM daily (taking Sunday off) to go to the gym.  If exercise is important to you, put it into your daily routine.  Don't exercise as an after thought or as something to do to fill your day.  One reason I like to start my day with exercise is because I feel that the increased oxygen gives me more energy-a great way to start the day.   Also, if you exercise first thing in the morning, you don't have to stop a project you may be working on later in the day or talk yourself into going.  Exercising first thing in the morning wakes up your body and starts your day out with a healthy activity!  

Food#2/Gardening#6:  I haven't started canning salsa just yet, a little too early for that, but I have been trying out new recipes, among them rhubarb bread and strawberry-rhubarb crisp with my fresh rhubarb, loaded potato salad, lasagna rolls, zucchini muffins, sun-dried tomato jam, and various roasted vegetables.  My husband and family have been reaping the benefits of my new interest in cooking.  An interest in cooking always goes well with an interest in gardening if it includes a vegetable garden. I am definitely enjoying my garden.  It's so much fun to harvest the vegetables and prepare them for meals while they are still fresh.  Thankfully, the deer and bunnies are leaving my garden alone.  (I'm positive that next year's garden will be even bigger!)  

Writing was #3 on my list - I've been writing this blog - besides that, I am getting ideas for a book (or 2).  Regardless if you get published or if anyone even reads your writing, it's therapeutic.  Writing relaxes you and helps you organize thoughts.  It's also a great outlet to express your creativity.  

I took an opportunity to hone my photography skills #11 when my son and daughter-in-law came home and we had numerous family gatherings.  It was a lot of fun snapping pictures of the family.  I am definitely more of a people photographer than a landscape photographer!  I do enjoy taking pictures of faces.  (Great practice for when my grand babies arrive.)  

Finally, I would like to address #8 on my Top 10 list - Create.  My new sewing machine arrived this week and I signed up for a couple of sewing classes.  I chose the Brother CS6000i.  It seemed to be pretty user friendly without investing a small fortune.  I haven't sewn anything since my kids were little and I would occasionally use my mother's machine.  Of course my new one is computerized so it should be a learning experience!  

When I put my Top 10 List in place, I decided that my family was first and foremost.  This week, I spent a lot of time with my family.  My Top 10 List was slightly ignored.  I am fine with that - that's the advantage of being retired.  You can put things on hold when something extremely important to you comes up, which in my case is my family.  

Whatever is on your Top 10 List, don't forget to check in from time to time, re-evaluate and do what makes you happy.  This is your time.  

                                                                My new sewing machine

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