Sunday, October 23, 2016

Finally Time to Read

One of the benefits of retirement is having more time to read for enjoyment.  Much of the reading we do during our working years is “have to” reading - research, contracts, etc…   Before retirement, I was lucky if I had time to read a couple of books a year.   A lot of times, I would start a book, get so busy with work that I wouldn’t pick it up for a while, then have to re-read it when I finally got back to it.  Happy retirees choose a life that involves hobbies or interests that are both social and those that are done in isolation.  Reading is an interest that you can do with other people or by yourself. 

Although many will argue that reading has become too social and it should remain a fundamentally private experience, there are many benefits to joining a book club.  Book clubs allow you the opportunity to meet new people.  It’s more interesting when your close friends are not in the book club.  Chances are, you’re going to talk about the books you are reading with your close friends anyway.  Not only will joining a book club introduce you to new and interesting people, but it will also push you to read books you wouldn’t otherwise read.  People outside your immediate circle of friends are more likely to have different literary tastes.  Sometimes it’s fun just to chat and eat great food.  Don’t know how to find a book club?  Go online to sites such as and type in your zip code.  

If you don’t want to join a book club but you enjoy the opinions and suggestions of other readers, Goodreads is a social networking avenue that connects you with other readers.  When I first looked at Goodreads, I was hesitant to jump in - I thought it was just another social networking site.  But once I found friends on Goodreads that have the same literary tastes as I do, I started using them as barometers while creating my “to read” list.  It’s fun to check out the reviews and ratings of my Goodreads friends, then add their favorites to my ever-expanding “to read” list.  In turn, you can review and rate the books you have read.  

It’s great to find a good book that’s hard to put down, however, reading too much can dangerously lead to a sedentary lifestyle.  You might think about saving your reading for times you are naturally inactive - sitting at the doctor’s office, on a plane or at the airport, turning in for the night and whatnot.  I always have my book with me “just in case” I have to wait for someone or something somewhere.   

One of the best things I did for my dad was equip him with an iPad and iTunes cards.  He has dozens of books on his iPad (purchased using his iTunes card) and reads books on the plane, at the airport or wherever he may be at the time.  When my mother was in the nursing home, he sat by her side all day.  While she was sleeping, he was reading from his iPad.  Reading is a great escape, no matter how old you are.         

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