Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Bucket List

With the New Beginning of 2017, it’s time to update the Bucket List!  I’m not a fan of the “list of things you want to do before you die” definition of bucket list, rather I like to define it as “a list of awesome things one wants to do during one’s awesome life.”  By that definition, why wait until you are older to start checking adventures and goals off your bucket list?  I remember a few years ago when my husband and I took the kids on a Disney cruise to the Mexican Riviera.  We went scuba diving and horseback riding in Cabo, zip lining in Puerto Vallarta, ate fabulous food, and had a wonderful time.  My daughter said to me, “this was definitely a bucket list vacation.”  Regardless of the time in your life you create a bucket list, the New Year is a great time to review it and make any necessary changes.  

Sometimes you have to be realistic with your aspirations as some of them can cause more trouble than they are worth.  My desire to skydive was nixed after my son reminded me of my tendency to break bones. During my bucket list review, I realized that a majority (but not all) of my ambitions involve travel.  I am sure that this is no different than anyone else who, like me, was on the workaholic/child rearing treadmill before retirement and had little time for trips other than those centered around the kids’ sporting events.  Whatever is on your bucket list, take an item or two and focus on the steps you need to take in order to check them off.         

Just like when you make a New Year’s resolution, just putting a wish on your bucket list isn’t enough - you need to make a plan on how it’s going to happen.  Since most bucket list intentions take both time and money, you might want to start by budgeting enough money or scheduling enough time to make your bucket wish come true.  I have several multi-generational vacations to be checked off my bucket list like the one we have planned for this summer, renting a beach house on Hatteras Island, taking my kids and their families.  With so many places on my bucket list that I intend on visiting, travel is definitely a line item in my budget.  

Whether you have a Vision Board or an actual Bucket List, your wish list should be in your line of sight so that it is a constant reminder of what you want to achieve or experience.  In other words, hang it up in your home!  I love my Bucket List that hangs in my home showing my hopes and dreams complete with a bucket waiting to accept each item as it’s checked off!  This was an awesome gift from my daughter-in-law who sells them on her Etsy shop, unINKway.  

Now, get started on that bucket list! 


  1. My husband and I sat down this January to plan out our year. It's the first time we've formally done so. Travel is big for us, too. There's a trip we've been wanting to take for a few years now and haven't gotten around to making it happen. So that was the first priority for 2017.

    1. Having a plan is the first step in completing your goals. Keep me posted on your travels. Would love to hear about them!

  2. On January 2nd my husband and I came to our senses about getting going while we can still get going. We're leaving for New Zealand next month. Yes, we are coming back. So, then we can leave for Arizona and a Cubs game..and family...and friends. Love the bucket list board!

    1. You and your husband have a great attitude. Definitely don't wait! So jealous about your trip to New Zealand! Keep us posted on your travels!
