Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My Massage Addiction

I'm a fan of taking care of yourself.  Especially women.  Especially working mothers.  I was a working mother - still am.  I was one of those "SuperMoms."  Not only did I work full-time, but I made sure that my career did not interfere with the kids' activities, a clean house, and time with the family.  Not an easy task.  Like most working mothers, I came last in my hierarchy of things or people I needed to take care of.  I don't regret putting my kids first for a second.  They grew up to be beautiful people.  Somewhere between spoiling your children and spoiling your grandchildren comes spoiling yourself.  Your kids get married, out on their own, and you  become an empty-nester.  That's when it's time to start spoiling yourself.  I guess that's where I am right now.  One thing I like to spoil myself with are massages.

I have always carried my stress in my neck and shoulders.  That's probably why I am such a fan of massage.  All kinds of massage!  I've tried Swedish, Aromatherapy, Deep Tissue, Acupressure - you name it.  Love them all!  You know you are need of a massage when you can feel and hear the knots in your back, neck and shoulders during the massage!  I think that the Deep Tissue is necessary once in a while, but a true Deep Tissue is probably going to leave you a little sore.  The Swedish and the Aromatherapy are nice relaxing "girls day at the spa" choices once in a while.  I would suggest the acupressure if you like to get massages more often.  They are less expensive and they are good "in and out" massages.

My first trip as a retiree will be a spa vacation with the girls to the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC.  Looking forward to spoiling myself, spending time with my friends, and setting the tone for my retirement.


  1. I also enjoy getting massages. I agree that it is important for everyone to take the time out to care for themselves. It is easy for us to get so caught up in caring for other people that we forget to take care of ourselves. Self-care is not selfish, since it's essential for mental and physical health.

    1. So true. If we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of others. Thanks for your comment!
