Monday, June 27, 2016

The Enjoyment of Physical Activity

It's only been a few weeks into my retirement and I am already enjoying all of the exercise and activity opportunities that are so much more accessible in retirement.  I can't say that I enjoy any one specific activity.  I like to change it up and get my exercise from a variety of sources.

It's no secret that physical activity, including exercise, has enormous health benefits.  Young adults like to exercise to shape their bodies and control weight.  As we get older, we exercise to prevent diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis and diabetes.  Exercise allows us to continue to do the things we enjoy and stay independent as we age.  My mother was a victim of Parkinson's Disease.  I saw her struggle during the last few years of her life with the simplest of tasks that most of us take for granted.  My mother liked to walk to get her exercise.  Although we knew that exercise wasn't going to prevent her from eventually suffering from the debilitating effects of Parkinson's, it certainly helped her to be independent for a longer period of time.

In a previous post, I mentioned that although people that have hobbies before they retire transition better into retirement, it's never too late to start.  Same goes with exercise.  If you never had time to exercise or you were not physically active before retirement, it doesn't mean you can't start.  Before retirement, I exercised sporadically.  One week I would go to the gym 5 days, and the next week my schedule prevented me from going at all.  Only a few weeks into retirement, I have already developed a routine that includes physical activity as part of my day.  I am usually off to the gym or golf course no later than 9 AM and I engage in some type of physical activity EVERY DAY, anywhere from exercise class to working in my garden.  Physical activity does not always look like cardio machines, yoga mats and golf courses.  If the gym isn't your cup of tea, remember that gardening and walking are easy ways to get some physical activity.  Walk around your neighborhood, shopping mall or local park.

At the gym, I meet a friend for cardio and weight training or I take a class - preferably yoga, pilates or step.  From time to time I will try a Zumba class.  One great advantage of the gym I attend is that there are various classes on various days at various times.  This allows for flexibility with my schedule.  I also like the benefits I get from the various instructors.  That slight soreness felt 24 hours later tells me that whatever I did the previous day was done with a muscle that has not been used in a while.  It's a great sign of accomplishment!  I'm thinking about taking more Zumba but I will need to find one instructor I like and stay with that instructor for Zumba.  It's definitely easier to learn the dance moves with one instructor.   One round of golf per week is my max on the golf course, but sometimes I just go to the driving range.  A retired friend of mine has indicated that she wants to go bike riding with me - definitely going to do that!  When I'm in Arizona, I swim every day in addition to my exercise classes.  I don't play too much golf in Arizona unless my dad is there.  My Arizona friends don't play and I'm not one to play golf alone.  Lucky for me, I can attend the same gym in Arizona and Illinois.  So if you are out of town or on vacation, there are ways to keep up your routine of "activity everyday."  When I was in Asheville with the girls, we got our physical activity by walking and a little swimming on Spa Day.

I will have to admit that sometimes in the morning as I am having my morning coffee and 8:30 A.M. is quickly approaching, I slightly dread the thought of getting into my car and going to the gym with the expectations of pouring my energy into 1.5 hours of cardio and weight training.  BUT I must say that I always make myself go AND I have NEVER regretted it. In fact, every single time I work out or engage in some type of physical activity, I am 100% happy that I did.

Besides keeping all of our moving parts moving, exercise continues to build confidence in our abilities as we age.  Ever wonder why our 50s, 60s and 70s do not look like our parents' 50s, 60s and 70s?  It's because we are now more educated about health, exercise and disease prevention and we have more options for engaging in physical activity.  The confidence we develop by staying physically active prevents us from buying into preconceived notions of "what our retirement should look like."  We don't have to "sit on the rocker on the front porch." We can start second careers, run marathons, completely reinvent ourselves.  How about the changing sleep patterns as we age?  Wouldn't it be nice to sleep through the night?  Don't forget that exercise releases endorphins which are natural painkillers and also improve the ability to sleep which reduces stress, improving our quality of life and increasing longevity.

My family getting ready to scuba dive in Cabo on vacation.
We like to find opportunities to stay active while on vacation.

Me with my dad, brother and nephew as a golf team
at my high school memorial golf outing.  Mixing
social outings with activity.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Forbes' "9 Keys to a Happy Retirement" says that's it is important to maintain strong social connections.  My happy retired friends agree that it's important to stay engaged in activities with friends.  As a retiree, you will most likely have to initiate plans with friends, especially if your friends are not yet retired.  Keep in mind that your friends are going to have to juggle plans with you and their work commitments.  You may end up making new friends if you become involved in new activities or volunteering.  You also may be renewing old friendships - those friends that live far away and you never had a chance to visit before you retired.  I have a friend in Georgia that has been asking me to take a Ladies' Cruise with her and her friends.  A cruise with an old friend and her friends sounds like a great opportunity to make new friends!  Some people will tell you that you most likely will not stay in touch with your work friends after retirement.  Friendships take effort.  If you would like to stay in touch with some of your work friends, you will most likely need to schedule something on a regular basis.  For instance, while I was working, I used to meet 4 colleagues once a week for breakfast before work.  Out of the 5 of us, I am the only one that retired.  I will continue to meet them for breakfast once a week because their friendships are important to me.  The Ladies' Spa Vacation I recently took to Asheville was with work friends.  I plan on being friends with these wonderful ladies for a very long time!

I am at the Arizona house this week.  Years ago, my parents bought a house in Arizona to use during the winter months.  When my mother became ill, my father turned the house over to my brother and me.  It has become a great place for me to step away for a while and enjoy the sunshine.  I have established my own routine at the AZ house.  One thing I never miss when I visit AZ is having lunch with one of my dear friends from college who lives less than an hour away.  We were college "besties."  She was and still is smart, interesting, funny and most important - she always makes you feel like she is truly interested in you and your life.  I could sit and talk to her for hours.  As many college friends do, we lost touch for a while after college .  With the help of Facebook, we started communicating again several years ago.  It was then that I learned that she had moved to Arizona, not far from my AZ house.   Every time I go to AZ, I give her a call and we have lunch.  I still love spending time with her!

Maintaining close friendships during retirement is not effortless, but is extremely important.  The health benefits of social interaction include lower blood pressure, reduced risk of depression and reduced risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, cardiovascular, arthritis and osteoporosis.  Not only does it help keep your brain from getting rusty, but it is also highly effective in increasing your lifespan when coupled with a healthy lifestyle including a healthy diet and physical activity.

Even if you can't always stay in touch in person, don't forget how easy it is to send your friend a text, email, make a phone call or even send a card via snail mail!  Staying socially active and maintaining relationships is an important component of a happy and healthy retirement so stay as active and social as possible!

           Some great friends!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

My Top 10

It's important to have hobbies and interests.  People who have hobbies and interests while they are working seem to have an easier time transitioning right into retirement.  Those of us who never really kept up with our hobbies and interests need to revisit and redevelop old ones or get new ones once we retire.  A lot of people spend the 30+ years before retirement throwing much of their time into their work - especially working mothers.  I was one of those women - I juggled my teaching profession with raising children while at the same time being 100% involved in their activities, playing an active role in their education, keeping a clean and welcoming home, AND serving 20+ years as a member of the executive board of my local teachers' union - 9 of those years as President.  Who has time for hobbies?  All of those years of playing SuperMom sometimes result in losing time spent on our own personal interests.

I struggled with my retirement for a while, most likely because I felt like I was losing my identity which was defined by my role as a teacher and teachers' association President.  I knew that I was going to have to redefine myself and it wasn't going to be easy - but I was up for the challenge.  Although I say that I am on the "no plan" plan, it's difficult to go from years and years of a life according to an agenda to no plan whatsoever.  I decided that a healthy compromise would be to come up with a list of 10 hobbies or interests that would fill my time.

First and foremost, I have a family and my first priority is my family relationships.  Some (but not all) of my time will be spent with my family.  After that, I have hobbies and interests.  If you don't have any hobbies before you retire, get one (or some) after.   I have put together a list of the Top 10 activities that I would like to start with.

  • Exercise:  I have a couple of workout buddies I like to meet for cardio and strength training at the gym, I like to attend pilates and yoga classes, I enjoy golf and bicycling with a friend.   I commit to doing some type of exercise at least once a day (sometimes twice) with one day off a week.  
  • Food and wine:  I enjoy trying new recipes and going to lunch with friends to try new foods and different restaurants.  This summer, I planted my first vegetable garden with hopes of using my crop for canning salsa and cooking.   Until my crop is ready, I have been creating meals using fresh vegetables and fruit I pick up from the local Farmer's Markets.  Food tastes so much better when it's fresh!  I have always been kind of a health nut so obviously the exercise and healthy eating are high on my list.  I also like to entertain using new and different recipes.  For me, a great evening is sitting around a table, nibbling on appetizers, sipping on wine and having great conversation with my family and friends.  
  • Write:  I do love to write.  One reason for starting this blog was out of my love of writing.  On my bucket list (yes, I have an actual wall hanging with a bucket, a list and everything) is "Publish a Book."  After my husband's motorcycle accident several years ago in which he suffered a traumatic brain injury, I vowed to write a how-to book for families with loved ones recovering from a TBI.  That book is still in the plan.   
  • Travel:  Retirement and life in general is all about balance.  I did not go into retirement thinking that I had to travel all the time.  That will not only drain your money pretty fast, but it will also burn you out pretty early.  I plan to balance with one or two trips a year.  Of course this does not include my travels to AZ.  I don't really consider those trips since I have to go there frequently to take care of the AZ house.  Don't get me wrong, I love going there.  It's my happy place of alone time and relaxation.  A priority for me is to see the beautiful USA before I start venturing out across the ocean.  I just returned from a trip to Asheville, NC on a girls trip of shopping, sightseeing (the beautiful Biltmore Estate) and the highlight of our trip - a great spa at the Grove Park Inn.  
  • Shop:  I do love to shop.  I like shopping at boutiques, specialty shops and antique stores.  I shop for Christmas gifts year-round.  I do not go out "Christmas Shopping" between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I don't like crowds and I don't like lines.  To me, Christmas Shopping during the Christmas season forces you to find a gift for someone under the pressure of a deadline.  Now that I am retired, I do as few deadlines as possible.  When I am out shopping and I find something that a family member or friend would like, I buy it for Christmas or birthday, regardless of how far away that occasion is.  When I was in Asheville, I saw a wallhanging that said "Gigi's Kitchen."  My friend, Grace, is a "Gigi."  I picked it up for her and I will give it to her for her birthday.  
  • Garden:  I planted my first vegetable garden this summer and so far I am loving it.  I like working in the garden, watching things grow, and if the bunnies and deer don't bother my plants too much, I am going to love harvesting my vegetables.  I have always had fruit trees - pear, apple. peach - so I am looking forward to taking the time to pick the fruit and create goodies with it.  I have looked into the Chicago Master Gardener Program that starts in the fall.  
  • Read:  Although I don't want to join a Book Club just yet, I am looking forward to reading.  I have always been a big reader- both fiction and non-fiction.  My daughter, Kristina, (a high school English teacher) has read more books than anyone I know.  I am looking forward to reading her suggested books all year round!  When I was teaching, I only read during the summer.   
  • Create:  I want to make things.  My first challenge is sewing.  I used to sew a few things with my mother's old sewing machine when the kids were little but I never had the time to be really good at it.  My grandmother and my mother could sew.  I am going to get a new sewing machine (you know, the kind that makes sewing easier) and create things.  
  • Volunteer:  My Presidency (teachers' union) was passed on to a very competent protégé but there is a lot to know.  I will be offering my guidance in the form of trainings at least for another year.  A President's Handbook is also in the works.  I hope to have it done by August.  😬
  • Create and Sell Units:  I have a store on Teachers Pay Teachers where I sell thematic units.  My job during the last few years of my teaching profession was to write thematic units for K-8 that infused the Common Core into interesting and fun topics.  I have decided to download these units into a store, "The Creative Genius," on Teachers Pay Teachers.  If there seems to be an interest in my units after I download them, I may write more! 
  • Photography:  I know I said Top 10 and this is #11, but I can't forget my new hobby - Photography.  I purchased a new camera last November.  Between friends, online tutorials and just plain playing around with it, I am teaching myself some photography skills.  I love taking pictures and making photo albums for people.  Every family should have well documented photo albums to hand down to their children.  I give my kids and their spouses a yearbook every Christmas with pictures of them with their family/friends.  
Reviewing this Top 10 list seems a bit overwhelming but once you get a daily routine that includes a couple of things, for instance exercise and gardening, everything else will just fit in where you want it to.  

Bucket List wallhanging created by my daughter-in-law, Brittany.
Find it on her Etsy shop, unINKway.

          The Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC.
                        Girls Spa Vacation

Saturday, June 18, 2016

You HAVE To Get Some of These!

I bought myself a gift - wireless headphones.  My choice? The Skullcandy Hesh 2 Wireless Headphones.  I do consider myself electronically literate enough to use technology on a regular basis comfortably.  But as with many people of my generation, I still get anxiety when I hear the words "bluetooth" and "pairing."  The Skullcandy Hesh 2 Wireless Headphones paired automatically so I was not stressed out.  I was able to easily pair both my phone and my laptop.  All you have to do is make sure your bluetooth on your phone or laptop is turned on (go to your settings), turn on your headphones, then click bluetooth on either your phone or your laptop and click "pair" when "Hesh 2 Wireless" pops up.  Be patient and give it a minute or so to pop up.  The headphones will automatically search when you turn them on.  Easy!!

One reason I wanted wireless headphones is for the airplane.  When I fly, I like having the option of listening to music, watching the free TV offered by Southwest Airlines, or purchasing a $5 movie, especially if there is someone snoring on the plane within earshot!  Crying babies don't bother me but snoring adults?  Not a fan.  In case your devise won't enable the bluetooth while in airplane mode, there is a cable you can attach so that your headphones become wired.

Another reason I wanted wireless headphones is for my workouts or even cleaning off the deck and patio.  I'm going to AZ this week to do some hard core cleaning before the real heat hits for the summer so I am hoping my new headphones will come in handy.  They feel very comfortable on my ears.  I think the sound was good as well.

Personal Shopping

It's Father's Day weekend and I am en route via Amtrak to see my dad.  My gift for him this year includes homemade cinnamon rhubarb bread, homemade plum jam, an iTunes gift card (that he uses to buy books for his iPad), a small wallhanging for his kitchen that reads "Mamaw's Kitchen" in memory of my mother and the best gift of all- a St. Louis Cardinals wallet.  The St. Louis Cardinals wallet I purchased for him years ago suffered some damage and each time I tried to replace it with something that I considered "just as cool,"  I got the "but it's not a St. Louis Cardinals wallet" face.

Being able to take my time and really choose meaningful gifts for my family and friends is an asset of being retired that I am going to enjoy.  It is also an asset that I am in desperate need of!  Choosing the perfect gift has never been something that came easy to me and I always envied people that had that talent.  My daughter Kristina and daughter-in-law Brittany are great gift-givers.  They both have a knack for knowing the perfect gifts for their family and friends.  I have received handmade gifts from them that are beautiful.  I can tell they are made with love.  I have also received non-handmade gifts from them that were things I would definitely choose for myself.  I don't know how they do it.  It seems to come easy to them.  Not so easy for me.  I have to take time to think about it, research it and find it.

Creating handmade gifts take a lot of patience and time - two things that wear thin when you are a working mother.  Creating a gift for someone can also be very therapeutic.  I have always loved working on projects when I had the time and, of course, the energy!  I think that being on the receiving end of a handmade gift, knowing that someone took the time to create something just for you, is a very special feeling.  I try and give my children and their spouses at least one handmade gift each Christmas.  It does not go unnoticed how much they appreciate them and how much time they take really looking at them.  I think they actually look forward to the handmade gifts!

Even if baking, cooking or creating things aren't your forte, having the time to think about and shop for a personal gift is a luxury of retirement.  When I was working, it seemed like I was always running behind instead of ahead.  I don't want to be forced to find the best possible gift at the nearest possible store.  Choosing the perfect gift for someone is not an easy task.  Do you think of the gift and then try and find it or do you go out blindly shopping until you find that perfect gift?  I just purchased a ban.dō planner for myself that I love and I thought my friend Carole, who is retiring next year, might like one when she retires.  Now I have an entire year to ponder, "Will she want one or not?"  See what I mean?

Check out my daughter-in-law's Etsy store, unINKway to see beautiful handmade gifts.  I guarantee, you will love it!!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Let's Talk About Trips

The list of places I want to visit is extremely long!  Maybe I am trying to make up for lost time.  When you have children, your vacations consist of Disney World, Disney World, Wisconsin Dells, and oh yes - Disney World!  Yes, we were Disney fans!!  Along with our Disney trips were Gymnastics trips, Cheerleading trips and Swimming trips.  You know, the kind of trip where you travel hundreds of miles to a beautiful setting only to be sitting in a gymnasium or swimming pool?

I am going to TRY and plan my trips a year in advance so I can budget for them.  One thing I have to keep in mind - DON'T GET TOO CRAZY!  Although I want to do EVERYTHING my first year out, it's not too practical to use up all of my trip budget at once.

I do have a place in Arizona so I am sure I will be taking trips there when I get irritated with the Chicago weather.  I would like to take historical sight-seeing trips both in the U.S. and overseas as well as some tropical "Beach Trips."  Here are a couple of places I would  like to visit in the U.S. during the first 12-18 months of my retirement:

  • Salem, Massachusetts in October 
  • Colonial Williamsburg in December 
I definitely want to take a "Beach Trip" in the near future as well.  I am hoping to take advantage of the off-season rates that as a teacher I never had the luxury of using.  Between consulting with others who have taken these trips and doing my own internet search, I hope to plan trips to Salem and Williamsburg that include all of the must-see attractions.  

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Always Tomorrow

I am discovering that one of the best things about retirement is the "always tomorrow."  I wanted to finish some "chores" such as unpacking from my trip, laundry and housecleaning.  But what I really did was what I wanted to do - workout at the gym, yoga class, gardening and a visit to the farmer's market.  I realize that I can't always use the "always tomorrow" excuse, but it's nice to have that option.  Although it is summer, and as a teacher I did have summers off, but teaching always completely consumed my days and nights from mid-August to early June.  As a result, the short 10 weeks of my "summer vacation" was completely booked with chores that I didn't have a chance to complete during the school year.  I certainly like having the "always tomorrow" option.

In keeping with retirement rule #2 (maintain a healthy lifestyle) I may have overdone my workouts yesterday - elliptical, core work and yoga.  (Gosh was I tired last night!)  I definitely felt it today!  The farmer's market was a great idea today.  I brought home fresh fruit and vegetables for a healthy dinner salad.

Tomorrow's schedule? Workout with a friend in the morning, hit some golf balls and make cinnamon rhubarb bread (from the rhubarb in my garden) for my family.  I will definitely try and get to some of those chores tomorrow.

Ladies Spa Vacay!

Our Ladies' Spa Vacay did not disappoint!  It had all of the components of the perfect getaway - shopping, great food, sightseeing, history, relaxation, exercise and great conversation.  And the accommodations were fabulous!

The girls and I drove to Asheville, NC for a 5 day getaway (2 of those days were spent driving to and from).  Day 1 we took the trolley into Asheville and spent the day shopping.  For lunch, we had an incredible Vidalia Onion Bisque at Isa's Bistro.  Asheville has a Bohemian feel to it - both the shops and people.  There were also a lot of crafty stores and merchandise.  I really enjoyed browsing through the many shops in Asheville.  For dinner, we went to Sunny Point Cafe.  This was by far my favorite restaurant of the trip.  A field to table restaurant, the Sunny Point Garden is adjacent to the restaurant and fresh ingredients are harvested from this garden for their specials.  I had the Pecan & Rice Flour Crusted Sunburst Trout with grit cakes, blackened tomatoes and fresh citrus kale salad which was absolutely  scrumptious!  We ended the day with a card game back at our hotel - The Grove Park Inn.  

On Day 2, we toured the Biltmore Mansion and Gardens.  It is impossible to describe the beauty of the gardens and the mansion. All I can say is, "you have to see it."  The history of the estate is incredibly interesting.  We definitely got our exercise in walking through the rose and flower gardens, conservatory and azalea garden.  We had lunch at the Stable Cafe' where horse stalls were converted into cozy booths.  Another field to table restaurant, the food was fresh and delectable!  I had the asparagus and spinach soup and garden salad.  So fresh!!  After lunch, we drove to the Biltmore winery and picked up some wine made from their vineyards.  Dinner was at the Chestnut, a refurbished restaurant which reflects the era (1924) in which it was built.  We decided to share small plates - seasonal salad, lobster bisque, fried pickled green tomatoes, and grilled filet.  This was definitely a wise choice.  Another great meal!  We came back and rocked in the rocking chairs on the porch of the Grove Park Inn which overlooks the Great Smoky Mountains.   

Day 3 was the Spa Day!  The Grove Park Inn has a beautiful spa.  If you book a treatment, you get to use the spa all day.  So of course, we all booked treatments!   Some of my favorite amenities we enjoyed (besides our treatments) included the Eucalyptus Inhalation Room followed by the eucalyptus-infused dry sauna and steam room.  I also liked the contrast pools, therapeutic waterfall pools, and mineral pools.  We had lunch poolside with a beautiful view of the Great Smoky Mountains.  Dinner was at Limones in downtown Asheville.  The lobster nachos were very tasty!  

This is definitely a vacation I would repeat!  

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Funday

My new retirement rule (let's see how long this lasts) is No Work on Sunday.  When you are working, it's difficult to take Sunday off - housework, yard work, grocery shopping, errands, you know the drill.  You can't get all of that done in a day.  I am really going to try and take Sunday as my day of Worship, relaxation, projects, family time and fun.

Today was my first Sunday.  Up before 7 (rule #1 remember?), I went to church, organized my packing list for my trip tomorrow, did some trip shopping and packed.  These things definitely don't  qualify as work because they were for my upcoming trip so they were fun for me!  

Tomorrow, my girlfriends and I are embarking on our trip to a SPA which will include some sight-seeing.  I am planning on honing my photography skills this week at the SPA and on the sightseeing trip.  One of my friends is pretty good at photography so I am planning on picking her brain.  Major items on my packing list include sundresses, swimsuit, camera, books and wine.  I'm thinking about leaving all of my chargers at home!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Setting the Tone

It's my first day as a retired teacher and I thought I would set the tone.  I definitely don't want to spend my retired years sleeping, so my first rule is don't sleep past 7.  My second rule is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Up by 7, I made myself steel cut oatmeal then went for a workout by 8:45 AM.  (No coffee.) After an hour and a half workout, I ran some errands then ventured to the grocery store to pick up some fresh strawberries.

My third rule of retirement is to not waste time starting on my bucket list. Two bucket list items received some attention today.  I want to grow a garden (which I have) and I want to do more cooking.  In fact, my plan is to actually integrate the two.  Imagine that...growing things that I actually use in my cooking!!  My rhubarb must be very happy where it is growing because it is an extremely healthy plant.  It has been calling out to me for a couple weeks.  I took some time out today to give it some attention and put it in a pie.

I have always loved strawberry rhubarb pie.  Unfortunately, I did not grow the strawberries in my garden, but I did obtain some beautiful  strawberries from my local grocer for the pie.  After chopping up some fresh rhubarb from my garden, I created a scrumptious looking pie to give to my dear friends this evening who are taking me and my husband out to dinner to celebrate my retirement.

It's all about setting the tone!

Friday, June 3, 2016

I Am Officially Retired

Today was my last day of school.  I am now an official retired teacher.  Do I feel any different? No.  I feel like I am out for summer vacation.  The only difference is that normally my brain would already be thinking about things I was going to do for the summer to get ready for the next school year.  Right now my mind is just taking a break.

Yesterday I had dinner with several ladies that have been retired for a few years.  They all said the same thing - I will be busy, I won't know when I had time to work, I won't be bored.  I hoping - counting on that to be the case.  I'm not so much concerned about boredom as I am concerned about my mind not getting enough stimulation.  My brain has always needed a lot of stimulation.  Like one of the ladies said yesterday, "If you aren't busy, it's your fault."  They are correct.  If I get bored, it's my fault.

So my day ended at 2:20 PM.  The last bell rang, the last announcement was made for the kiddies to leave the building.  I was sad for  few minutes.  Life as I had known it for the last 33.5 years would no longer exist.  I said my goodbyes and headed out for a glass of wine, conversation and laughter with a few of my close colleagues.

I will close this chapter tonight and start my new chapter tomorrow.  Really looking forward to my trip on Monday.  It's starting to get exciting!