Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Funday

My new retirement rule (let's see how long this lasts) is No Work on Sunday.  When you are working, it's difficult to take Sunday off - housework, yard work, grocery shopping, errands, you know the drill.  You can't get all of that done in a day.  I am really going to try and take Sunday as my day of Worship, relaxation, projects, family time and fun.

Today was my first Sunday.  Up before 7 (rule #1 remember?), I went to church, organized my packing list for my trip tomorrow, did some trip shopping and packed.  These things definitely don't  qualify as work because they were for my upcoming trip so they were fun for me!  

Tomorrow, my girlfriends and I are embarking on our trip to a SPA which will include some sight-seeing.  I am planning on honing my photography skills this week at the SPA and on the sightseeing trip.  One of my friends is pretty good at photography so I am planning on picking her brain.  Major items on my packing list include sundresses, swimsuit, camera, books and wine.  I'm thinking about leaving all of my chargers at home!

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