Saturday, August 6, 2016

Stairs Anyone?

Almost 6 years ago, a misstep taken while walking down a flight of stairs ended in a trip to the ER and a hospital stay with surgery.  I took a dive down a half of a flight of stairs and when I landed, my left ankle was fractured, my right ankle was shattered and both ankles were dislocated.  Ouch!  Needless to say, when my friend Tonya asked me to meet her at the Swallow Cliff Stairs for a workout, I was slightly apprehensive.  After my injury 6 years ago, I acquired a new found respect for  (and slight fear of) staircases.

The Swallow Cliff Stairs used to be known as the Swallow Cliff Toboggan Slides.  Located only 15 minutes from home, my children used to trek up the 125 stairs to the top of the 100 ft. high bluff and a set of 6 toboggan runs to go from 0 to 60 on a toboggan in just a few seconds.  In 2004, the toboggan slides closed due to a funding decision by the Cook County Forest Preserve and Swallow Cliff became a popular exercise destination for both fitness buffs and casual walkers.  There are now two sets of stairs - 125 steps and 175 steps.  The two sets of stairs both reach the top of the 100 ft. bluff.  The 125 steps are steeper, so they are a little tougher than the 175 steps.  Additionally, Swallow Cliff has walking and hiking trails, a pavilion and a cafe.  It's a great place to enjoy nature and get a great workout in Palos Park, southwest of Chicago.

Always up for a challenge, I agreed to meet my friends Tonya and Tiffanie along with two other fitness enthusiasts, Christine and Kim, for an early morning stair climbing workout at Swallow Cliff.  I first started going to Swallow Cliff for stair climbing workouts about a year after my injury.  At first, I had a lot of anxiety going up and down all of those stairs unless I was hanging on to the railing.  Before this week, I had not been back to the stairs in almost 3 years.  So far this week I have been there twice and I am scheduled to return in a couple of days.  I still like to be close to the handrail, but I try not to depend on it too much.  It's not so much an aide for me as it is a security blanket.

Climbing stairs is regarded as one of the most efficient and effective cardio and strength building workouts you can do.  In addition to the cardiovascular benefits, stair climbing also tones your thighs and calves.  Don't forget, after age 35, we start losing muscle tone.  The loss of muscle tone speeds up even more after age 45.  Although I faithfully go to the gym for cardio and strength training several times a week, my legs were sore for several days after climbing the stairs - a sure sign I was waking up some muscles that have obviously been asleep.  This is why you should change up your workout and stimulate different muscles.  Stair climbing outside is not only free, but it also gives you a better workout than a stair climbing machine.  And don't forget - being outside increases your Positive Mental Attitude!  I met Tonya and her group at 6:15 A.M. at Swallow Cliff and we climbed the tougher 125 stairs going up and the 175 stairs going down several times.  Although I was unable to climb the stairs as many times as the other ladies, I didn't do too bad for a 50-something retiree (they were all youngsters).  I listened to my body, stopped when it told me, "too much," and will try and increase the number of times I climb the stairs as my fitness level increases and my heart and lungs become more efficient.

It's important to listen to your body.  Stair climbing is great for your heart, but in order to benefit your heart, it must push your heart to make it work harder.  As you get older, you have to make sure you put enough stress on your heart to increase your fitness level without causing too much stress.  Listen to your body.
Swallow Cliff Stairs

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